Railroad (Radio Equipment) Photo Gallery
Please take a moment to check out our railroad related antenna products.
Elgin, Joliet & Eastern SD38-2 #658 - Chicago Heights, IL - 3/26/2001 - Photo by: Neal - The Motorola Spectra radio is mounted to the left, and the Pulse TrainLink II EOT receiver to the right.
First Elgin, Joliet & Eastern SD38-3 Rebuild #656 - Kirk Yard - Gary, IN - 5/28/2001 - Photo by: Neal - Int. shot shows Motorola Spectra radio, the EOT receiver, and the LCD monitor for the new camera, mounted next to the headlight on the cab front. The display for the new computer control is part of the -3 upgrade.
Norfolk Southern C40-9W #9343 - 6/10/2001 - Photo by: Neal - Int. shot shows the Motorola Spectra on the upper left of the stand.
Illinois Rail Museum E-9A 'BN-1', E-9B 'BN-2' and E-9A 'BN-3' - West Chicago, IL - 6/18/2001 - Photo by: Neal - Int. shot shows the Motorola Spectra radio on the upper left of the Engineer's stand. Conductor's side has a separate handset and headset outlet.
Elgin, Joliet & Eastern SD38-2 #670 - East Joliet Yard, IL - 3/21/2001 - Photo by: Neal - The Motorola Spectra radio is to the left. The black box that's to the right of the radio is the End of Train device receiver.
Elgin, Joliet & Eastern SD38 #654 - Joliet, IL - 8/31/2000 - Photo by: Neal - Towards the back is a firecracker style VHF antenna. To the left is a 'top hat' style EOT antenna. The disc acts as a separate ground-plane.
Elgin, Joliet & Eastern SDM #811 - Joliet, IL - 8/31/2000 - Photo by: Neal - Small 'can' style EoT antenna in the front center. Behind that is the firecracker style VHF antenna. To the left is an old "skate" style antenna.
Elgin, Joliet & Eastern SD18 #852 - East Joliet Yard, IL - 9/16/2000 - Photo by: Neal - Older model Motorola radio is mounted under a bracket that holds up the EoT receiver on top of the control stand.
Elgin, Joliet & Eastern SD38-3 - 1/?/2001 - Photo by: Neal - A small LCD monitor camera next to the EoT receiver that was installed on this SD38-3 upgrade. The camera is mounted next to the upper headlight.
Grand Trunk Western GP38-2 #4918 - Photo: Stan Sienicki - Motorola Spectra radio is mounted on the left with EoT receiver above.
Canadian National SD70M-2 #8010 - Photo: Stan Sienicki - GE radio is mounted in control stand.
Sinclair End of Train Device Antenna - Photo: Stan Sienicki - Sinclair Excaliber 'Ice Skate' style EoT antenna.
Union Pacific AC4400CW #5554 - Photo: Stan Sienicki - Large radome covers Sinlair antenas. Small radome is GPS.