Military Radio Reference List

This page is a basic compilation of known radios used in the U.S. military, with the main focus being on aircraft. Radios are listed by their military designation code. Most radios are actually a combination of modules. Sorry, we do not sell or repair any of these radios. This is simply for informational purposes.
Please take a moment to check out our military related antenna products.
Radio List
AN/ARC-51A |
Manufacturer: Rockwell-Collins
Number Produced: 451 |
Watts: 28 |
Modes: UHF, AM
Frequency Range: 225.0-399.9 MHz in 1750 Channels
Spacing: N/A
Platforms: CH-46D, UH-46D, VP-3A, UP-3A |
Notes: No longer in production.
AN/ARC-94 |
Manufacturer: Rockwell-Collins
Number Produced: 2 |
Watts: 100 |
Modes: HF, AM, SSB
Frequency Range: 2-29.999 MHz in 28000 Channels
Spacing: N/A
Platforms: EP-3E |
Notes: N/A
AN/ARC-102 |
Manufacturer: Rockwell-Collins
Number Produced: 85 |
Watts: 100 |
Modes: HF
Frequency Range: 2-29.999 MHz in 28000 Channels
Spacing: N/A
Platforms: KC-130F, UH-1N, HH-1N |
Notes: N/A
AN/ARC-114 |
Manufacturer: Raytheon
Number Produced: 33 |
Watts: 10 |
Modes: VHF, AM
Frequency Range: 30-75.95 MHz & 40-42 MHz in 920 Channels & Guard Receiver
Spacing: 50 kHz
Platforms: E-3B/C |
Notes: A compact lightweight single container unit, the AN/ARC-1143A was designed primarily for helicopters, although its high-altitude performance up to 50,000 ft means it is suitable for higher-flying fixed-wing aircraft. The AN/ARC-114A is a military airborne radio which covers the VHF band from 30 to 75.95 MHz and provides 920 channels at a spacing of 50 kHz. The system also incorporates an independent Guard receiver to monitor a single, pre-tuned Guard channel in the frequency range 40 to 42 MHz. The AN/ARC-114A operates in FM mode and can transmit either voice or data signals. Transmitter power output is 10 W. The system is of all solid-state construction and employs crystal-controlled digital synthesis techniques for frequency generation.
AN/ARC-138 |
Manufacturer: Collins
Number Produced: N/A |
Watts: N/A |
Modes: HF
Frequency Range: 2-29.999 MHz in 280000 Channels
Spacing: N/A
Platforms: EC-135 |
Notes: N/A
AN/ARC-153 |
Manufacturer: Rockwell-Collins
Number Produced: N/A |
Watts: 100 |
Modes: HF
Frequency Range: 2-29.999 MHz in 280000 Channels
Spacing: 100 Hz
Platforms: S-3, ERA-3B |
Notes: The Radio Set AN/ARC-153( ) (HF radio) is a two-channel, SSB HF radio that operates with an antenna coupler and a power amplifier. The HF radio set is capable of receiving and transmitting both voice and Link 11 data signals in USB, LSB, DSB, and AME. The AME is provided in the USB voice channel only.
AN/ARC-157 |
Manufacturer: Rockwell-Collins
Number Produced: 68 |
Watts: 500 |
Modes: HF
Frequency Range: 2-29.999 MHz in 280000 Channels
Spacing: 100 Hz
Platforms: E-2C |
Notes: The AN/ARC-157 is a 2-30 MHz HF/SSB transceiver designed to comply with the technical, environmental and packaging specifications for airborne equipment of the MIL-E-5400. It consists of four weapon replaceable assemblies: receiver/exciter RT-1074/AR, band-pass filter F-1336/AR, amplifier/power supply AM-6526/AR and mount MT-4448/ARC-157.
AN/ARC-161 |
Manufacturer: RCA
Number Produced: 228 |
Watts: 80 to 1000 |
Modes: HF
Frequency Range: 2-29.999 MHz in 280000 Channels
Spacing: 100 Hz
Platforms: P-3C |
Notes: Two half duplex, single side band ARC-161 HF receiver/transmitters are installed in the P-3C aircraft. These radios are identical and capable of transmitting in the range of 2 to 30 MHz. Both HF control boxes are mounted at the NAV/COM station. Operations of the two radio sets are independent of each other. However, an interlock automatically grounds the unused radio when a mike is keyed on either HF. Both are capable of plain voice, cipher voice, teletype, and data link. An antenna coupler is used between the transmitter and antenna to provide an impedance match. During transmission, the coupler automatically matches the antenna impedance to the selected frequency. The antenna need not be coupled for reception. Power in watts: Voice 80 to 300 & Data 400 to 1000
AN/ARC-164 |
Manufacturer: Raytheon
Number Produced: 7417 |
Watts: 10 |
Modes: UHF AM Have Quick II (MXF-243 Control AM/FM UHF/VHF)
Frequency Range: UHF: 225.0-399.975 MHz in 7000 Channels (20 Presets & 1 Guard). w/Optional MXF-243 Control: VHF 30-87-975 MHz & 108-151.975 MHz. in 2320/1760 Channels (20 Presets).
Spacing: 25 kHz
Platforms: A-10A/OA-10A, AC-130H/U, AT-38B, B-1B, B-52H, C-12C/D/F/J, C-130E/H/J, C-135B/C/E, C-141B/C, C-17A, C-20A/BH, C-21A, C-22B, C-26B, C-32A, C-37A, C-5A/B/C, C-9A/C, CT-43A, E-9A, C/KC-135, CV-22, E-8C, EC-130E/H, EC-135N/Y, F-117A, F-15A/B/C/D/E, F-16A/B/C/D/CG/DG/CJ/DJ, F-5E, HC-130N/P, HH-60G, KC-10A, KC-135E/R/T, LC-130H, MC-130E, MC-130E/H/P, MC-130P, MH-53J/G/M, MH-60G, MH-60K/L, NC-130H, NKC-135E, OC-135B, RC-135S/U/V/W, T-1A, T-37B, T-38A, T-43A, TC-135S/W, TH-53A, UH-1N, U-2, VC-25A, WC-130H, WC-135W |
Notes: The AN/ARC-164 HAVE QUICK II radios are used for air-to-air, air-to-ground and ground-to-air communications deployed on all Army rotary wing aircraft. These radios provide anti-jam, secure communications links for joint task forces and Army aviation missions. The Army operational forces utilizing these radios are Aviation Units, Air Traffic Services, and Ranger Units. It also provides the Army the ability to communicate with USAF, USN, and NATO units in the UHF-AM mode that is the communications band for tactical air operations. In the joint operations environment, the AN/ARC-164 will provide voice communications with the E-3A Sentry/AWACS and both voice and data communications with AEGIS ships during littoral operations. This radio is limited to LOS operations and has HAVE QUICK anti-jam characteristics. One model of the AN/ARC-164 can be configured to operate in the very high frequency (VHF) FM frequency band that makes it Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System (SINCGARS) compatible, with the optional MXF-243 Controller.
This is a UHF-AM radio. There are three major aircraft configurations of AN/ARC-164 radio and one ground configuration, AN/VRC-83. The AN/ARC-164 receiver/transmitter (RT) configurations include a panel mount (RT-1518C), remote control (RT-1504) and a remote mounted, data bus compatible (RT-1614). Common components of the radio are the RT, control head and antenna. This UHF-AM radio operates as a single channel or a frequency hopping radio. The aircraft radio transmits with a power output of 10 watts and can receive voice or data modulated signals with the VINSON or VANDAL communications security devices. It has an embedded "ECCM" anti-jam capability. The guard channel of 243.000 MHz can be monitored. It operates in either an analog or digital mode. The latest ARC-164 radios feature Military Standard MIL-STD-1553B interfaces. |
AN/ARC-166 |
Manufacturer: Boeing
Number Produced: 99 |
Watts: 20 |
Modes: VHF, AM
Frequency Range: N/A
Spacing: N/A
Platforms: E-3B/C |
Notes: N/A
AN/ARC-168E |
Manufacturer: Rockwell-Collins
Number Produced: 660 |
Watts: N/A |
Modes: VHF, AM
Frequency Range: N/A
Spacing: N/A
Platforms: E-3B/C |
Notes: N/A
AN/ARC-169E |
Manufacturer: Rockwell-Collins
Number Produced: 33 |
Watts: N/A |
Modes: UHF, AM
Frequency Range: N/A
Spacing: N/A
Platforms: E-3B/C |
Notes: N/A
AN/ARC-17 |
Manufacturer: Boeing
Number Produced: 150 |
Watts: N/A |
Modes: VHF, FM
Frequency Range: N/A
Spacing: N/A
Platforms: C-20B, RC-135C/U/V/W, TC-135S/W & Others |
Notes: N/A
AN/ARC-174(V) |
Manufacturer: Rockwell-Collins
Number Produced: 375 |
Watts: 100 |
Modes: HF All Mode
Frequency Range: 2-29.999 MHz in 280000 Channels
Spacing: 100 Hz
Platforms: C-12C, CH-53, MH-53, SH-60B, SH-60F, HH-60H, YSH-60F |
Notes: In service with the US Navy, US Army and the Royal Navy, and with the armed forces of Canada, France, Italy and Spain in the 1990s. It was chosen for the US Navy LAMPS program and is a standard fit on Royal Navy Lynx helicopters. No longer in production, contract build only.
The 718U-5 100 W transceiver is packaged in three units to achieve maximum space utilization. All operating controls including frequency select, mode select, and squelch are located on the panel- or pedestal-mounted 514A-4 control unit. A digital frequency synthesizer contained in the 671U-4A receiver/exciter provides 100 Hz tuning in USB, LSB, AME, CW and data modes. A commercial version without CW and data modes is available. Two power amplifier/antenna coupler configurations are available: the 548S-3 for operation up to 10,500 m, and the pressurized 548S-5 for altitudes above 17,000 m. A matching network, contained within the power amplifier/antenna coupler, is capable of tuning a wide variety of typical aircraft wire antennas. The Collins miniature 437R-2 tuned HF monopole is specifically designed for use with the 718U-5 transceiver systems. |
AN/ARC-182 |
Manufacturer: Rockwell-Collins
Number Produced: 9971 |
Watts: 25 |
Frequency Range: FM 30-88 MHz, AM 108-156 MHz, FM 156-174 MHz & AM/FM 225.0-399.975
Spacing: 25 kHz
Platforms: EA-6B, E-2C, F/A-18A/B/C/D, F-14A/B/C/D, UH-1N, TH-1N, AH-1W, SH-2F/G, SH-3H, CH-46, UH-46D, CH-46E, HH-46D, CH-53D/E, RH-53D, MH-53E, SH-60B/F, HH-60J, VH-60N, HH-65A, P-3C, EP-3E, S-3A/B, ES-3A, T-34, T-45A, AV-8B, TAV-8B, NTAV-8B, MV-22 |
Notes: The ARC-182 was the predecessor to the ARC-210, and has been largely replaced by it. It is still used in several Navy & Air Force platforms. Developed in the late 1970s for the US Navy and was in initial production from FY80 for the USAF and Navy. Initially, dual ARC-182 installations were made for the Navy's F/A-18 and AV-8B aircraft while retrofit installations were planned for many operational aircraft. The AN/ARC-182(V) is an all-solid-state VHF/UHF AM/FM airborne transceiver, suitable for all types of aircraft. The equipment can be used in fixed station, transportable and vehicle-mounted single, dual and auto-retransmit applications. It appears in the type 28V-1 communications mission terminal, and the 994A-4 portable system. The AN/ARC-182(V) combines both VHF AM/FM and UHF AM/FM transmission and reception capabilities into a single unit. Selection between bands is automatically accomplished as the operator selects the desired frequency (preset or manual) on the control unit. In addition, both AM and FM preset band emergency guard frequencies are automatically tuned through dedicated positions on the selector knob of the companion control. The AN/ARC-182(V) is in service in 42 countries on more than 120 airborne, ground, and mobile installations. |
AN/ARC-186 |
Manufacturer: Rockwell-Collins
Number Produced: 4257 |
Watts: 10 to 14 |
Modes: VHF, AM/FM
Frequency Range: FM 30-87.975 MHz, AM 108-115.975 MHz in 4080 Channels
Spacing: 25 kHz & 12.5 kHz
Platforms: A-10A, AC-130U, C-130E/H, C-135B/C/E, C-141B/C, C-17A, E-8C, EC-130E/H, EC-135C/N/Y, F-16A/B/C/D, HC-130N/P, HH-60G, KC-135E/R/T, LC-130H, MC-130E/P, NC-130H, NKC-135E, OA-10A, OC-135B, TH-53A, UH-1N, WC-130H, WC-135W |
Notes: The AN/ARC-186(V) is not recommended for new platform integrations or system designs. The AN/ARC-186 (V) is a special order production item in 2001. Support will be maintained, but production has ceased. For the addition of 8.33 KHz channelization to the AN/ARC-186(V) only, without other platform upgrades, the Rockwell Collins VHF-186R Series Upgrade or Replacement Transceiver is recommended. For new platform integrations, platform upgrades or system designs, AN/ARC-210(V) is recommended. AN/ARC-186(V) is a solid state, modular, tactical Very High Frequency (VHF), Amplitude Modulation (AM)/Frequency Modulation (FM) radio communication system designed for use in many types of fixed-wing aircraft. It is standard US Air Force equipment for aircraft requiring VHF and AM/FM capability, replacing AN/ARC-115 SLAE, ARC- 131, - 134, -114, -115, and Wilcox 807 transceivers. Up to 20 channels may be preset on the ground or in the air through the use of a non-volatile Metal-Nitrate-Oxide Semiconductor (MNOS) memory, which will retain data even in the event of a power failure. The combination of MNOS and the secure voice capability enables the pilot to switch between airborne and ground radios using either clear or secure communications. Full FM frequency range provides tactical communications for close air-ground coordination in hazardous environments. 7 modular cards make up the primary components of the ARC-186(V). They are electrically connected by a planar card in a card cage or body chassis, eliminating the need for hard wiring and greatly reducing replacement and/or repair time. Faults may be located within their particular module through the use of test equipment and replaced in less than 5 minutes. Either a panel mounting with direct control through an integral controller or a remote mounting with an identical control panel display is possible. A smaller size remote controller is also available and in 2-seater aircraft, would be located in the co-pilot's display. Some options for ARC-186(V) are the AM/FM homing facility and direct hook-up to MIL-STD-1553 digital data-bus equipment. Since the main design objective is easy retrofit for existing installations, aircraft wiring harnesses need no modification. The Rockwell Collins AN/ARC-186(V) family of VHF AM/FM transceiver provides a dual band VHF operational capability in a substantially smaller and lighter package than many single band transceivers that it replaces. The AN/ARC-186(V) combines VHF/AM and VHF/FM transmission and reception capabilities in a single unit. Selection between AM and FM bands is automatically accomplished as the pilot selects the desired frequency (preset or manual) on the control head. If only one band is desired, the unused band may be locked out by an external switch on the receiver transmitter unit. Selection of a frequency in the locked out band is denoted by a warning tone in the pilot's headset. The AN/ARC-186(V) replaces an ageing inventory of mechanical-crystal type airborne radios with current state-of-the-art equipment. In retrofit installations it will replace FM-622 (ARC-131), VHF-101 (ARC-134), ARC-114, ARC-115 as well as Wilcox 807 transceivers that weigh up to seven times as much. |
AN/ARC-187 |
Manufacturer: Raytheon
Number Produced: 313 |
Watts: 30 to 100 |
Modes: UHF, AM/FM, Have Quick & SATCOM
Frequency Range: 225.0-399.975
Spacing: 5 kHz & 25 kHz
Platforms: AC-130H/U, C-17A,EC-130E, HC-130N/P, HH-60G, MC-130E/H, MH-53J/M, OC-135B |
Notes: The AN/ARC-187 is used for line-of-sight (LOS), HAVE QUICK and satellite communications (SATCOM) in the 225 to 400 MegaHertz (MHz) frequency range. The radio operates in both AM and FM modes. The radio, when used with the MD-1324(U) Modem, provides SATCOM Demand Assigned Multiple Access (DAMA) capability. This DAMA capability reportedly meets MIL-STD-188-181/182 and 183. This is a Ultra High Frequency (UHF) AM and FM radio. The AN/ARC-187 operates on both 5 kiloHertz (kHz) and 25 kHz channelization across the UHF frequency band (225 to 400 MHz) in LOS, HAVE QUICK and SATCOM DAMA modes. Properly equipped, the radio provides digital data rates up to 20 kbps. The radio is reportedly also used for Link 4 (TADIL C) and Link 11 (TADIL A) data links and includes external 70 MHz MIL-STD-188 modem ports. Power output is 30 watts in AM and 100 watts in FM. The radio has a capability of providing the user with 20 presets. |
AN/ARC-190(V) |
Manufacturer: Rockwell-Collins
Number Produced: 3399 |
Watts: 400 |
Modes: HF
Frequency Range: 2-29.999 MHz
Spacing: 25 kHz
Platforms: 190(V): AC-130H/U, B-1B, B-52H, C-130E/H, C-141B/C, C-17A, C-20B/H, C-5A/B, C-5C, C-9A, C-9C, E-4B, E-8C, EC-130E/H, EC-135C/Y, F-15A/B/C/D/E, HC-130N/P, KC-135E/R/T, LC-130H, MC-130E/H/P, MH-53J/M, NC-130H, OC-135B, RC-135S/U, RC-135V/W, T-43A, TC-135S/W, TH-53A, WC-130H/W. 190(V)8: C-130J, KC-10A |
Notes: The AN/ARC-190(V) is a solid-state HF transceiver that provides beyond-line-of-sight communications capability for various military airborne applications. The ARC-190 system is designed for use in various military airborne applications that employ probe/cap, shunt or wire antennas. It is automatically tuned in both the receive and transmit mode. Built-in test equipment (BITE) and modular construction provide for rapid fault isolation to the box and module level for quick repair. The AN/ARC-190 is the mainstay of HF communications in the U.S. Air Force having been installed in a large variety of fixed and rotary wing aircraft, such as the C-130, KC-135, C-141, C-5, C-9, KC-10, B-1, B-52, C-17, F-15, F-16, H-60 and S-2T. The HFDL mode provides worldwide-automated data communications directly between aircraft systems and the ARINC ground network. HFDL is part of the Aeronautical Telecommunication Network (ATN) and supports a wide variety of data applications. The HFDL configuration of the AN/ARC-190 consists of an RT-1341(V)8 Receiver Transmitter and a CP-2024C Automatic Communications Processor. Upgrade kits are available for both the RT and Processor to upgrade prior versions of these equipments to the HFDL configuration. |
AN/ARC-199 |
Manufacturer: Honeywell Aerospace
Number Produced: 105 |
Watts: 170 |
Modes: HF
Frequency Range: 2-29.999 MHz in 280000 Channels
Spacing: 100 Hz
Platforms: HH-60G, UH-1H/V, CH-47D, OH-58C/D, and UH-60A/L |
Notes: The AN/ARC-199 radio set is the airborne portion of a ground and airborne communications system used to transmit and receive voice and data between stations that are beyond the range of line-of-sight communications. The AN/ARC-199 HF radio is the Army's interim HF radio set to be used until the AN/ARC-220 is fielded. Use of the AN/ARC-199 is on a special mission application basis, and the set is deployed on the UH-1H/V, CH-47D, OH-58C/D, and UH-60A/L. The AN/ARC-199 system consists of four line replaceable units which are: receiver transmitter, control display unit, amplifier-coupler and antenna coupler. The radio set is a high-frequency, single-side band radio with selectable output power levels of 4, 40 and 170 watts peak electrical power, and operates from a nominal 27.5 volts direct current power supply. The frequency of operation is from 2.0 to 29.9999 megahertz (MHz). Transmit and receive frequencies are programmable in 100 Hz increments on 21 presettable channels, for a total of 280,000 possible frequencies. The AN/ARC-199 radio may be operated as a stand-alone system or from a MIL-STD-1553 data bus. Emission modes include the upper side band, lower side band, double side band, amplitude modulation equivalent and modulated carrier wave modes. Its built-in test capability includes continuous monitoring of important operating conditions. The radio is operable at all times in a half-duplex, push-to-talk mode. Syllabic squelch is controlled from the display panel, and is adjustable from off through eight levels to maximum. Selective squelch or selective address (SELADR) is provided to eliminate the reception of unwanted radio frequency signals. When the SELADR feature is operational, the receiver is automatically squelched until the pre-programmed SELADR code is detected. The squelch is then automatically set to its minimum level, and an audio tone is generated which notifies the operator of an incoming call. The total system weight is 31.05 pounds. |
AN/ARC-200(V) |
Manufacturer: Bendix-King
Number Produced: 59 |
Watts: 400 |
Modes: HF
Frequency Range: 2-29.999 MHz
Spacing: 25 kHz
Platforms: Select F-16A/B, F/A-18 |
Notes: The AN/ARC-200(V) is a solid-state HF/SSB transceiver that provides beyond-line-of-sight communications capability for aircraft. Manufactured by Bendix/King (formerly Allied Signal), it was installed in certain F/A-18 and the F-16 models.
AN/ARC-204(V) |
Manufacturer: Raytheon
Number Produced: 132 |
Watts: N/A |
Modes: UHF, AM, A/J Have Quick II
Frequency Range: N/A
Spacing: N/A
Platforms: E-3B/C |
Notes: Have-Quick A-Net is a frequency-hopping UHF system designed to provide improved secure communications for the US Air Force's E-3 AWACS aircraft. In 1989, Boeing won a US$68 million contract to supply A-Net ship sets for retrofit into USAF AWACS. A-Net was also planned for RAF AWACS and considered for other operators of the aircraft.
AN/ARC-210 |
Manufacturer: Rockwell-Collins
Number Produced: 10764 |
Watts: 1 to 22 |
Frequency Range: 4 Channel - VHF FM 30-87.975 MHz, VHF AM 108-156 MHz, VHF FM 156-174 MHz, UHF AM 225-399.975 MHz, Guard Receive: 121.5 & 243.0 MHz
Spacing: 5 kHz & 8.33 kHz (5 kHz tuning w/remote control 2.5 kHz via 1553)
Platforms: USN: F/A-18C/D/E/F, EA-6B, KC-130 F/R/T, C-9B, C-40A, AMCM Van, NAVICP, Vertical Takeoff UAV, AV-8B, CH-46E, AH-1W, C-2A, KC-130J, MH-60R/S, VP/EP/NP-3, UH-1N, C/MH-53 D/E, MV-22, E-6B, E-2C, P-3C, CVN, DDG, LPD, LCAC, MATCALS, Various Shore Stations. USAF: B-52H, B-1B, RC-135, E-4 B, E-8, U-2, C-135C, UCAV, YAL-1A Airborne Laser, C-17A, HH-60G, F/A-22, LC-130, C-5A/B, WC-130J, Predator UAV, Global Hawk UAV, KC-135, CV-22, C-40B (Various) ASC-15B, C-12D, UC-35A, Hunter UAV, C-29 FAA, P-3 Customs, MH-68 USCG |
Notes: The AN/ARC-210 Multimode Integrated Communications System provides 2-way multimode voice and data communications over the 30-400 MHz frequency range in either normal, secure or jam-resistant modes via line-of-sight (LOS) or satellite communications (SATCOM) links. The ARC-210 family of equipment is made up of several variants of the receiver-transmitter, each providing a specific combination of functionality to meet user platform requirements. The AN/ARC-210 Receiver-Transmitter (RT) is the nucleus of a Multimode Communications System. The RT is offered in several models, which may be coupled with a full complement of auxiliary equipment, to provide the user community with unmatched versatility and exceptional capability. The RT-1556/ARC group of RTs provides basic line-of-sight (LOS) V/UHF capability and HAVE QUICK, HAVEQUICK II, and SINCGARS ECCM waveforms. The RT-1794(C)/ARC group of RTs is capable of 5 KHz and 25KHz Dedicated SATCOM, as well as 5KHz and 25KHz DAMA SATCOM, and is fully certified to MIL-STD-188-181/-182/-183. Power in watts: AM: 1-15 & FM: 15-22. The AN/ARC-210 operates via the MIL-STD-1553B data bus. Optionally, a remote control is available for manual control of the RT system. Red, white, blue-white, or Night Vision Goggle (NVG) green lighting remote control units are available. These are powered by 5 V AC or DC, 28 V AC or DC, or 115 V AC. A remote indicator and a family of broadband, electronically tunable antenna are available to enhance system performance. High power amplifiers (HPA) and Low Noise Amplifiers (LNA) are also available. Under the tenants of acquisition reform, the ARC-210 Program has transitioned from a programmatic "hands-on" approach to a "shared-business" approach which has reduced system cost, increased system reliability, and assured the rapid infusion of new technology into the product to permit enhanced performance and manage parts obsolescence. Based on this innovative integrated approach, the AN/ARC-210 was awarded both the 1996 Department of Defense Value Engineering Achievement Award and Secretary of Defense Excellence in Management Award. The Rockwell Collins AN/ARC-210 multimode integrated communications system is the United States Navy Standard V/UHF Airborne Communications System, managed by NAVAIR PMA 209. It is being installed in all U.S. Navy tactical aircraft, as well as in over 130 platforms in the U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Air Force and U.S. Army and worldwide. A sampling of domestic platforms include the F/A-18, EA-6B, MV-22, CV-22, AH-1W, B-52, MH-53, CH-46, C-17, C-5, KC-135, RC-135, E-4B, C-130, AH-64, MH-60S/R, UH-60, eight DDG-51s and two CVNs. Internationally, the AN/ARC-210 is also being installed in Canada on Utility Tactical Transport Helicopter, C-130, CP-140, and F/A-18; in Finland on the F/A-18; in Australia on F/A-18, C-130, Air87 Tiger helo, Wedgetail; in Switzerland on F/A-18s; on the AH-64 for Egypt & Singapore; on P-3s for Denmark & Netherlands. The basic LOS ARC-210s, without ECCM capability, can be exported to virtually any country in the world. Those ARC-210s, with the ECCM capability, can be exported; however, a country must have the appropriate ECCM waveform authorization and an approved Department of State export license must be obtained. Countries desiring SINCGARS and embedded COMSEC capability, or are not authorized for an ECCM waveforms, can only receive those capabilities via a country-to-country Foreign Military Sales (FMS) case. This UHF/VHF system is set to be the US Military's standard comm suite. Primary component is RT-1556, with several new upgrades that add significant capabilities. Controlled by a MIL-STD-1553B data-bus and includes a remote indicator, a remote controller for manual operation, and a set of broadband and electronically tunable antennas to support its multi-mode capabilities. RT capabilities also include guard receiver on 121.5 MHz and 243 MHz. The ARC-210 radio program employs performance based logistics. Unit remove and replace is performed at the organizational maintenance level to be sent to the OEM for repair. This maintenance concept covers all RTs and peripheral equipment for USN/USMC aircraft. Peripheral equipment includes controls, high power amps, antennas, logic converter units, low noise amps/diplexers, & indicators. The OEM will manage all spares and will be responsible for meeting fill rate & turn-around time requirements. Organizational maintenance personnel have the capability to reprogram the software of the ARC-210.1. |
AN/ARC-211 |
Manufacturer: Rockwell-Collins
Number Produced: 21 |
Watts: N/A |
Modes: HF
Frequency Range: N/A
Spacing: N/A
Platforms: B-2A |
Notes: N/A
AN/ARC-215 |
Manufacturer: Rockwell-Collins
Number Produced: 42 |
Watts: N/A |
Modes: HF
Frequency Range: N/A
Spacing: N/A
Platforms: B-2A |
Notes: N/A
AN/ARC-220(V) |
Manufacturer: Rockwell-Collins
Number Produced: N/A |
Watts: 100 |
Frequency Range: 2-29.999 MHz in 280000 Channels
Spacing: 100 Hz
Platforms: AH-64A/D/E, CH-46E, CH-47D/F/SD, CH-147F, UH-1V, UH-60A/L/M/Q, HH-60L, MH-47G, MH-53E/K, MH-60K/L/M/R/T, MH-65C/D, MH-68, S-70B/i, LCAC, & LCAC II. Airborne Reconnaissance Low and C-23 fixed wing aircraft. Forward air control shelters; TAIS, TTCS, MOTS, and TALCE. |
Notes: The AN/ARC-220 is an easy-to-operate, multifunctional, fully digital signal processing (DSP) high frequency radio intended for airborne applications. Advanced communications features made possible by DSP technology include embedded Automatic Link Establishment (ALE), Serial Tone Data Modem, and Anti-jam (ECCM) functions. The Rockwell AN/ARC-220 Advanced HF Aircraft Communications System is applicable for a variety of tactical rotary wing and fixed wing airborne applications. In addition to offering enhanced voice communications capabilities, the AN/ARC-220 is an advanced data communications system capable of providing reliable digital connectivity. The VRC-100 is the ground and vehicular version of the AN/ARC-220 and offers identical capabilities.
The AN/ARC-220 allows communications on any one of 280,000 frequencies in the High Frequency (HF) band from 2.0000 to 29.9999 MHz. Upper SideBand (USB) voice, Lower SideBand (LSB) voice, Amplitude Modulation Equivalent (AME), Continuous Wave (CW), USB data, and LSB data emission operating modes are provided. Communication is possible using either simplex or half-duplex operation. The AN/ARC-220 also includes an integrated data modem which enables communication in noisy environments where voice communications are often not possible. Up to 25 free text data messages can be pre-programmed via data fill or created/edited in real time. Received data messages can be stored for later viewing and retransmission if desired. Built-in integration with external GPS units allow position data reports to be sent with the push of a button. Long-range wireless E-mail and Internet connectivity is possible when used in conjunction with Rockwell Collins HF MessengerTM software. Note: A software upgrade for the ARC-220(V)1 and (V)2 RT was available in December 2013, which updates radio capabilities and adds automatic position reporting and SELCAL capabilities. SELCAL is used for transoceanic beyond line of sight air traffic control. The ECCM functionality is removed with this software upgrade. |
AN/ARC-222 |
Manufacturer: Raytheon
Number Produced: 619 |
Watts: 10 |
Frequency Range: FM: 30.000-87.975 MHz, AM: 108-151.975 MHz (108-115.975 Receive Only), HI 136-173.975 MHz & 156.025-162.025 MHz, MXF-626K Option: 118.0-136.912 MHz, Guard Receive: 40.5, 121.5, 156.8
Spacing: FM: 2.5 kHz; HI/VHF: 5.0 & 12.5 kHz, Maritime: 57 Preset Channels (4.6 MHz Offsets), MXF-626K Option: 8.33 kHz Mode.
Platforms: A-10A, AC-130H, AC-130U, C-130J, E-8C, EC-130E, HH-60G, MC-130E, MC-130H, MC-130P, MH-53J, MH-53M, OA-10A, TH-53A |
Notes: The AN/ARC-222 program began at ESC during FY92 with the prototype system originally designated the ARC-XXX VHF AM/FM airborne tactical radio. Officials in the DOD selected this new VHF SINCGARS radio to satisfy the theater Joint Forces Commander's (JFC) requirement for interoperable jam-resistant tactical voice communications. Designs called for the new SINCGARS radio to provide centralized control of air and land situations during combined arms operations. Engineers built the AN/ARC-222 radio to afford critical VHF two-way communications for voice and data over single channels and frequency-hopping modes among Air Force, Army, Special Operations Forces (SOF), and Marine units. The Air Force Airborne Single-channel Ground and Airborne Radio System (SINCGARS) compatible radio (AN/ARC-222) operates SC FM and FH in the 30.000 to 87.975 MHz range and SC amplitude modulation (AM) in the 108.000 to 151.975 MHz frequency range (108.000 to 115.975 receive only). It interfaces with the KY-58 to achieve a COMSEC capability. The airborne radio interfaces with the AN/PSC-2-digital communications terminal (DCT-2) and the improved data modem (IDM) to pass data. Air Force ground units, primarily tactical air control parties (TACPs) and combat control teams (CCTs), employ the Army SINCGARS AN/VRC-89A/90A/91A (RT-1523 (ICOM) radio). The modular control equipment (MCE) facilities located at the control reporting centers (CRCs), control reporting element (CRE), and forward air control party (FACP) utilize the RT-1439 (non-ICOM) radios and interface with external COMSEC devices (KY-58). |
AN/ARC-225 |
Manufacturer: Raytheon
Number Produced: 156 |
Watts: 20 |
Modes: UHF, AM
Frequency Range: 225.000-399.975
Spacing: 25kHz
Platforms: E-8C |
Notes: The AN/ARC-225 radios are used for air-to-air, air-to-ground and ground-to-air communications. It is a variant of the AN/ARC-164 and is deployed solely on JSTARS aircraft. The only difference between the AN/ARC-225 and the AN/ARC-164 is the AN/ARC-225 has a separate receiver port for guard frequencies to allow for a guard receive while the radio is frequency hopping (i.e., in HQ mode). The (JSTARS) UHF system consists of twelve radios and is capable of fixed frequency and anti-jam (AJ) operations. The UHF system is used for short-range (line of sight) air-to-ground and air-to-air tactical communications in multiple frequency ranges. The RTs can be operated simultaneously in any combination of fixed and AJ modes with minimal interference. The UHF system provides secure and non-secure voice transmission and Frequency Range 225.000 to 399.975 MHz with an output power of 20 watts. In the joint operations environment, the AN/ARC-225 will provide voice communications with the E-3A Sentry/AWACS and both voice and data communications with AEGIS ships during littoral operations. This radio is limited to LOS operations and has HAVE QUICK anti-jam characteristics. One model of the AN/ARC-225 can be configured to operate in the very high frequency (VHF) FM frequency band that makes it Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System (SINCGARS) compatible. This is an anti-jam UHF-AM (Have Quick III) radio. There are three major aircraft configurations of AN/ARC-225 radio and one ground configuration, AN/VRC-83. The AN/ARC-225 receiver/transmitter (RT) configurations include a panel mount (RT-1518C), remote control (RT-1504) and a remote mounted, data bus compatible (RT-1614). Common components of the radio are the RT, control head and antenna. This UHF-AM radio operates as a single channel or a frequency hopping radio. The aircraft radio transmits with a power output of 10 watts and can receive voice or data modulated signals with the VINSON or VANDAL communications security devices. It has an embedded "ECCM" anti-jam capability. The guard channel of 243.000 MHz can be monitored. It operates in either an analog or digital mode. The latest ARC-225 radios feature MIL-STD-1553B interfaces. |
AN/ARC-229/230(HF-121C) |
Manufacturer: Rockwell-Collins
Number Produced: 264 |
Watts: 400 |
Modes: HF-USB, LSB, AM/AME, CW, Link 11
Frequency Range: 2-29.999 MHz
Spacing: N/A
Platforms: E-3B, E-3C |
Notes: The HF-121C high performance radio system is designed for HF applications requiring voice and data operations including 400W transmit power. Compatible with the requirements of MIL-STD-188-203-lA for Link 11/TADIL A, this 400 Watt PEP/Average power radio provides maximum performance for airborne applications. The HF-121C has been optimized for tactical digital data communications and simultaneous operation (SIMOP) of multiple radio sets with minimum frequency and antenna separation. Embedded Automatic Link Establishment (ALE), MIL-STD-188-110A Modem, and ARINC 714-6 SELCAL capabilities are also available. The basic radio set is partitioned into a receiver-exciter with integral pre/post-selector on a mounting shelf, and a power amplifier-power supply on a mounting shelf. The receiver-exciter can be used independently of the power amplifier. Serial control via RS-232 or MIL-STD-1553B is available. The HF-121/A/B/C family of radios has been installed in commercial and military aircraft in the United States and in foreign countries. It has been selected as the standard HF radio by many aircraft manufacturers. Earlier versions of the HF-121 product line have received military nomenclature designation of AN/ARC-153, -157, -191(V), -207(V), AN/URC-91, and -97(V) by the United States and AN/ARC-512 for other nations. |
AN/ARC-231 "Skyfire" |
Manufacturer: Raytheon
Number Produced: N/A |
Watts: 10 to 125 |
Modes: AM, FM, FSK, CPM, UHF/VHF, CNR, ATC, Maritime, HQ I/II, SATCOM and LMR
Frequency Range: 30 to 512 MHz, 148 Preset Channels.
Spacing: 5, 6.25, 8.33, 12.5, 25 kHz (VHF, UHF, LOS and SATCOM)
Platforms: C-130J, MH-60L/M, UH-60L/M, MH-47E/G, CH-47G, UH-1N, A2C2S Black Hawks, AH-64, ARH-70 Armed Reconnaissance Helicopters (ARH). Fixed wing platforms include Airborne Reconnaissance Low-Altitude Multi-Mission–ARLM, USAF Rivet Joint, and USAF Joint-STARS. |
Notes: The AN/ARC-231 is an air-borne VHF/UHF LOS and DAMA SATCOM communication system. This system supports the DoD requirements for airborne, multi-band, multi-mission, secure anti-jam voice, data and imagery network-capable communications in a compact radio set. This is accomplished using DoD MIL-STD software/waveforms to ensure maximum interoperability across joint force operations. The AN/ARC-231, RT-1808A receiver/transmitter capitalizes on the expandable modular architecture and permits upgrade as new requirements drive new capabilities. AN/ARC-231 version 4.5 includes embedded tactical internet (TI), SINCGARS SIP, IPv4, improved data modem (IDM) interface, embedded IPv4 layered over the embedded MIL-STD-188-220 protocol for the SINCGARS SIP VHF ECCM waveform (referred to as the CNR/IP mode), Force XXI Battle Command Brigade and Below (FBCB2) interoperability, optimized data communications, enhanced land mobile radio (LMR) communications and bussed DS-101 key fill. The most recent enhancement to the AN/ARC-231 was a software upgrade that allows crypto keying material to be loaded via the AN/PYQ-10 Simple Key Loader (SKL).Future enhancements will be available based upon emerging operational requirements. (Reference: Raytheon Published Material)
AN/ARC-232(V) "Starblazer" |
Manufacturer: Raytheon
Number Produced: N/A |
Watts: 10 to 15 |
Modes: UHF/VHF, LOS, Have Quick I & II & SATURN
Frequency Range: VHF FM 30-87.975 MHz, VHF AM 108-173.975 MHz, UHF AM/FM 225-399.975 MHz, Guard Receive: 121.5 & 243 MHz with 99 Preset Channels.
Spacing: 8.33kHz & 25 kHz
Platforms: N/A |
Notes: The AN/ARC-232 (V) 467/468 is a 30 to 400 MHz UHF/VHF multi-band LOS system and is a form-fit replacement for the AN/ARC-164. Features include: VHF/AM/FM, VHF maritime, UHF/AM/FM; SATURN; Have-Quick I/II ECCM; MIL-STD-1533 compatibility; and a panel or remote mount configuration. Options include SINCGARS, 8.33 kHz channel spacing and TDMA in VHF/AM for the FAA. Components available include: C-12623 and C-12624 NVIS radio set controls. Power in watts: AM: 10 & FM: 15. The AN/ARC-232(V) Starblazer supports the requirement for an airborne, multi-band, multi-mission, anti-jam, voice and data network-capable communication system in one small, light-weight package qualified to military standards. The AN/ARC-232(V) is designed for application and installation on a broad range of fixed and rotary wing aircraft and provides the military VHF and UHF (very high frequency and ultra high frequency) capability required for air defense and close air support. The AN/ARC-232(V) airborne communications system is a form and fit replacement for the AN/ARC-164 family of transceivers. There are both panel and remote mount versions available that are controllable via Military Standard (MIL-STD-1553B) Data Bus, RS-422 or ARINC 429 Interface. |
AN/ARC-513 |
Manufacturer: Allied-Signal
Number Produced: 38 |
Watts: N/A |
Modes: HF
Frequency Range: N/A
Spacing: N/A
Platforms: HC-130N, MC-130P, NC-130H |
Notes: HF Radio Set manufactured by Allied-Signal Inc. Consists of the RT-5052 / ARC-513 R/T, C-5333 / ARC-513 Control, & AS-5013 / ARC-513 Antenna.