Railroad Frequencies (By Area)

This is a list of frequencies compiled according to area. What's shown below is all that's been added for now. This list will grow slowly as information is collected.
Please take a moment to check out our railroad related antenna products.
Various & Southwest
Provided by Ed Carry
Union Pacific
161.100 - Yuma Yard
160.320 - Gila Sub (Yuma, AZ to Mobile, AZ)
161.550 - Gila Sub (Mobile, AZ to 36th St.-Tucson, AZ)
161.100 - Tucson Yard
161.550 - Lordsburg Sub (36th St.-Tucson, AZ to Raso, AZ)
160.230 - Lordsburg Sub (Raso, AZ to Lizard, NM)
161.550 - Lordsburg Sub (Lizard, NM to Piedras St.-El Paso, TX)
161.100 - El Paso Yard
161.550 - Phoenix Sub (Picacho, AZ to Coolage, AZ)
160.785 - Phoenix Sub (Coolage, AZ to Phoenix, AZ)
161.100 - Phoenix Yard
160.785 - Nogales Sub (Nogales, AZ to Tucson, AZ)
160.230 - Clifton Sub (Lordsburg, NM to Clifton, NM)
161.550 - Valentine Sub (Piedras St.-El Paso, TX to Belen, TX)
160.320 - Valentine Sub (Belen, TX to Alpine Siding)
160.320 - Carrizozo Sub (Vaughn, NM to Carrizozo, NM)
161.550 - Carrizozo Sub (Carrizozo, NM to Tower 47 West)
160.320 - Tucumcari Sub (Dalhart, TX to Vaughn, NM)
160.800 - Toyah Sub (Sweetwater, TX to Pecos Siding)
160.320 - Toyah Sub (Pecos Siding to Sierra Blanca)
Los Angeles
Note: Some freqs are duplicated in different areas.
(See freight railroad listings for road channels)
161.055 - Police
160.455 - Switching and On board
160.440 - Switching, Car Dept. and On board
452.900 - Car Dept.
161.280 - Harbor Sub (Harbor Jct. to MP25)
160.590 - Harbor Sub (MP25 to West Thenard, including Watson Yard)
161.190 - PHL (Terminal Island)
160.365 - New Alameda Corridor-Joint BNSF/UP (East Redondo to West Thenard)
160.965 - New Alameda Corridor (MoW)
161.085 - Cajon Sub (Barstow to Lenwood)
161.190 - Cajon Sub (Lenwood to San Bernardino)
160.590 - Barstow Yard
161.190 - Lucerne Valley Sub (Cushenbury to Hesperia)
161.370 - Mojave Sub (Bakersfield to Kern Jct.)
160.320 - Mojave Sub (Kern Jct. to Mojave)
161.085 - Mojave Sub (Barstow to Kern Jct.)
160.935 - Needles Sub (Needles to Minneola)
161.085 - Needles Sub (Minneola to Barstow)
161.190 - San Bernardino Sub (San Bernardino to MP 10.6)
160.650 - San Bernardino Sub (MP10.6 to Harbor Jct., including Hobart)
160.590 - San Diego Sub (National City to MP267.7)
160.560 - San Diego Sub (MP267.7 to Fulerton Jct./Atwood)
160.815 - River Dispatcher (Metrolink)
160.245 - PBX Los Angeles, San Diego & Central Needles Sub
160.260 - PBX Los Angeles, W. San Bernardino Sub, N. Cajon Sub & E. Needles Sub
160.335 - PBX East San Bernardino Sub, South Cajon Sub & East Needles Sub
160.425 - PBX Needles
161.370 - Switching (Hobart)
161.070 - Car Dept.
161.010 - Commerce Locomotive Facility
Union Pacific
160.515 - Los Angeles Sub (Yermo to Santa Fe Ave., Los Angeles)
160.365 - New Alameda Corridor-Joint BNSF/UP (East Redondo to West Thenard)
160.740 - Yuma Sub (Yuma Jct. to Loma Linda DS 50)
161.550 - Yuma Sub (Loma Linda to Araz DS 48)
161.100 - Yuma (Yardmaster)
161.100 - West Colton Switching
161.430 - West Colton Switching
160.470 - West Colton (Hump)
160.320 - El Centro Sub
160.320 - Calexico Sub
161.550 - Lone Pine Sub (Searless to MP426)
160.320 - Lone Pine Sub (MP426 to Mojave)
160.770 - Lone Pine Sub Dispatcher's Link (Rand to Cantil)
161.550 - Mojave Sub (West Colton to Slover & West Colton Yard Master)
160.320 - Mojave Sub (Slover to Bakersfield)
160.845 - Mojave Sub Dispatcher's Link (Warren to Phelan can be heard at Loop)
160.815 - Mojave Sub Dispatcher's Link (Warren Area)
161.415 - Saugus Sub-Metrolink (Yuma Jct. to Dayton)
160.815 - Saugus Sub-Metrolink (Dayton to Taylor)
160.545 - Saugus Sub-Metrolink (Taylor to Palmdale Jct.)
161.550 - Alhambra Sub (West Colton to Montclair & Shops Yard)
160.740 - Alhambra Sub (Montclair to Yuma Jct.)
160.770 - Switching (City of Industry)
160.320 - Los Nietos Sub (Bartolo to Dolores)
160.320 - La Habra Sub (Los Nietos to Slauson Jct.)
160.320 - San Pedro Sub (Downey Rd. to Manual Yard & Hobart Tower)
160.740 - Hobart Tower & East L.A. Yard
161.340 - East L.A. Yard
160.410 - Switching (East L.A. Yard)
160.680 - Switching (East L.A. Yard)
160.710 - Switching (East L.A. Yard)
160.800 - Carmen & Mechanical Dept. (East L.A. Yard)
160.320 - Wilmington Sub (Los Angeles to Delores, ITCF Tower & Delores Facility)
160.350 - Switching (ICTF Long Beach)
161.250 - Switching (Long Beach)
161.400 - Switching (Dolores Yard) and MoW
160.545 - Santa Barbara Sub-Metrolink (Burbank Jct. to Los Posas)
161.550 - Santa Barbara Sub (Moorpark to North San Luis Obispo)
160.485 - Santa Barbara Sub DS Link (Surf to Pismo)
161.430 - Switching (Gemco Yard)
161.175 - Car Dept.
161.100 - Switching
160.290 - PBX Sierra Peak
160.605 - PBX Holiday Hill
160.950 - PBX Oat Mountain
160.890 - PBX Running Springs
161.415 - San Gabriel Sub and Pasadena Sub
160.815 - River Sub
160.545 - Valley Sub and Ventura Sub
160.560 - Orange Sub, Olive Sub and San Diego Sub.
160.995 - PBX
160.500 - PBX
161.325 - Switching
161.355 - Taylor Yard
160.665 - Taylor Yard
161.295 - MoW
161.445 - MoW
160.905 - MoW
Pacific Harbor Line
160.980 - Main Channel and Badger Bridge Dispatcher
160.710 - Switching and Pier A Yard Clerk
161.190 - Terminal Island
156.65 - Marine Ch13 (Vessel calling for Ford and Badger Bridges, Terminal Island)
Los Angeles Junction Railroad
161.130 - Main Channel
Trona Railway
161.085 - Main Channel
Metrorail (Light Rail)
472.4875 - Blue Line (Road)
471.9875 - Blue Line (Switching)
160.425 - Blue Line (MoW)
160.695 - Blue Line (Secondary)
160.425 - Blue Line (Simplex)
160.725 - Blue Line (Simplex)
160.965 - Red Line (Road)
161.505 - Red Line (Switching)
Union Pacific
160.320 - Roseville Sub (Auburn to Donner Lake)
160.875 - Roseville Sub (Roseville - Auburn to Marysville)
161.550 - Martinez Sub (Roseville to Sacramento)
160.800 - Martinez Sub (Sacramento to Emeryville)
161.310 - Valley Sub (Roseville to Dunsmuir)
160.515 - Canyon Sub
161.400 - Yardmaster
161.430 - Switching
160.275 - Switching
160.395 - Switching
161.100 - Hump
160.980 - Hump
161.490 - Utility
160.350 - Car Dept.
160.890 - PBX Mount Vaca
160.950 - PBX Cisco Butte
Provided by Nathan from the DRGW.net Site
Union Pacific
161.100 - Moffat Line (Denver to Prospect Jct.)
161.490 - Moffat Line (UP DS 86 Prospect to Rocky)
160.455 - Moffat Line (UP DS 82 Rocky to East Portal)
452.900 - Moffat Line (Uplink Between Radios)
161.145 - Greeley Sub (UP DS 14 - Speer Jct, WY, to Sand Creek, CO)
160.740 - Greeley Sub (36th Street to Denver Union)
160.710 - Limon Sub (UP DS-17)
160.920 - Joint Line UP/BNSF (UP DS 86)
161.100 - Joint Line UP/BNSF (BNSF DS-87)
160.650 - Joint Line UP/BNSF (BNSF DS-16)
161.100 - Brush Sub (BNSF DS-87)
161.295 - Brush Sub (Various Yard)
160.695 - Brush Sub (Various Yard)
161.280 - Brush Sub (Various Yard)
161.490 - Golden Sub "Coors Branch" (UP DS-86 Prospect to C&S Jct.)
161.160 - Golden Sub "Coors Branch" (C&S to Golden)
161.250 - Golden Sub "Coors Branch" (Switching, Coors Plant)
161.160 - Front Range Sub (BNSF DS-94, Front Range Sub)
160.920 - Front Range Sub (UP DS-86, Prospect to Utah Jct.)
160.545 - Various (North Yard Switching/Yardmaster)
161.415 - Various (Burnham Shops)
Grand Junction
Provided by Chris
Union Pacific
160.920 - Ch.1 - Green River Subdivision (Road)
161.490 - Ch.2 - Grand Junction Yard (Main Channel)
161.565 - Ch.3 - North Fork Subdivision (Road)
160.445 - Ch.4 - Glenwood Subdivision (Road)
160.725 - Ch.5 - Maintenance of Way
160.680 - Ch.8 - Grand Junction Yard Switching
160.740 - Grand Junction Yard Hump Operations
160.980 - Grand Junction Yard Engine Facility
161.100 - Grand Junction Yard BNSF Switching
161.235 - PBX - Grand Junction
161.310 - Grand Junction Yard Car Men
161.550 - North Fork Subdivision (Delta & Montrose area)
452.875 - Dispatcher Link North Fork Subdivision
452.900 - Dispatcher Link Green River Subdivision
457.900 - Dispatcher Link Glenwood Subdivision
Southern Colorado
Provided by Anonymous
160.590 - Road (La Junta to Raton NM)
160.650 - Road (La Junta to Denver)
161.100 - Road (Pueblo to Trinidad)
161.160 - Road (Trinidad to Texline, TX)
161.190 - Road (La Junta to Boise City, OK)
161.385 - Road (La Junta to Dodge City, KS)
161.475 - Repeater for Ch.32
452.900 - Repeater for Ch.72
160.245 - PBX (Colorado Springs)
160.335 - PBX (La Junta)
160.425 - PBX (Trinidad)
160.620 - MRAS (Walsenburg)
160.665 - MRAS (Trinidad)
161.010 - Maintenance of Way
160.560 - Pueblo Yard
160.590 - Pueblo Yard
160.695 - Drennan (Colorado Springs - Rock & Rail Facility)
161.160 - Pueblo Commanche Power Plant
Canon City & Royal Gorge
161.115 - Ch.1 On-Board Services
160.425 - Ch.2 Operations
161.490 - UP Road Channel
452.900 - UP Repeater for Ch.92
Colorado Kansas & Pacific
160.800 - Licensed
160.485 - Licensed
Colorado & Wyoming (Rocky Mountain Steel Mills)
161.250 - Ch.1 General Operations
160.950 - Ch.2 Maintenance
160.305 - Switching
160.380 - Switching
160.515 - Switching
160.575 - Switching
160.785 - Switching
161.385 - Switching
161.505 - Switching
Fort Carson (U.S. Army)
139.000 - Transportation Services
139.150 - Transportation Services
139.300 - Transportation Services
139.450 - Transportation Services
Liberty Railway Services
464.675 - Licensed
469.675 - Licensed
Manitou & Pikes Peak Cog Railway
161.550 - General Operations
160.230 - Repeater Input
Rock & Rail
161.490 - UP Road Channel
452.900 - UP Repeater for Ch.92
160.695 - BNSF crews at Drennan (Colo. Springs) facility.
Transportation Technology Center
161.325 - Ch.1 General Operations
161.145 - Ch.2 Switching
160.980 - Ch.3 Testing
160.815 - Ch.4 Testing
160.350 - Ch.5 Testing
161.205 - Ch.6 Facilities, Emergency Services
161.070 - Ch.7 Testing
160.875 - Ch.8 Testing
Union Pacific
160.920 - Road (Denver to Alamosa)
161.490 - Road (Pueblo to Parkdale)
452.900 - Repeater for Ch.92
161.175 - Mobile Tel
160.725 - Maintenance of Way
160.455 - Pueblo Yard
160.500 - Pueblo Yard (Switching)
161.415 - Pueblo Yard (Switching)
160.755 - Pueblo Yard (Switching-Rarely Used)
161.220 - Pueblo Yard (Roundhouse-Rarely Used)
161.340 - Pueblo Yard (Car Shop-Rarely Used)
Data Transmissions
452.9250 - Remote Control Locomotives
452.9375 - FREDs
452.9500 - Remote Control Locomotives
457.9250 - Remote Control Locomotives
457.9375 - FREDs
457.9500 - Remote Control Locomotives
Provided by Danny Harmon
160.590 - A-Line Road Jax-Tampa
161.100 - S-Line Road Jax-Tampa, Auburndale-Miami, Jax-Chattahoochee.
161.370 - Road Bone Valley, Jax-Kingsland,Chattahoochee-Pensacola
160.230 - Dispatcher, Tampa, Bone Valley, Jax-Chattahoochee
160.920 - Dispatcher, Jax-Tampa (A & S-Lines)
161.520 - Dispatcher, Jax terminal, Auburndale-Miami
160.320 - Dispatcher, Jax-Savannah, Jax-Waycross
160.290 - Yard, Tampa, Baldwin
161.340 - Yard, Rockport, Moncrief
160.860 - Yard, Jax
Norfolk Southern
160.950 - Road
160.245 - Dispatcher
160.830 - Dispatcher
160.845 - Onboard Trains and Yard.
Provided by "PeachFuzz"
Norfolk Southern Railroad
160.950 - Road
160.245 - Road (2 DS-Train)
160.830 - Road (2 Train-DS)
161.490 - Yard
161.205 - Police
160.515 - ARN PBX
160.365 - Inman Yard Car Department
161.100 - Terminal
160.230 - "BG" Atlanta Terminal Sub Dispatcher
161.370 - Tilford Yard "Mainline" Dispatcher
160.770 - Hulsey Intermodal Yard Channel
161.265 - Atlanta Terminal PBX
161.040 - Police
161.370 - AWP Sub Road Channel-Union City South toward Montgomery
160.980 - "CN" Dispatcher
161.370 - W&A/K&A Road Channel-Elizabeth North toward Chattanooga/Knoxville
161.520 - "AI" Dispatcher
160.590 - Georgia Sub Road Channel-Lithonia East toward Augusta
160.920 - "AB" Dispatcher
Chicago Area (By Channel)
Provided by Mac English
08 - 160.230 - CSX - Road (Former B&O/C&O)
10 - 160.260 - Elgin Joliet & Eastern - Yard (Kirk & Joliet Yards)
12 - 160.290 - CSX - Dispatcher-RB (Calumet City) & BD (Garrett)
13 - 160.305 - Amtrak - Terminal Operations
14 - 160.320 - CSX - Dispatcher-RA (Calumet City) & SA (Monon)
16 - 160.350 - Elgin Joliet & Eastern - Road (Eastern Subdivision)
18 - 160.380 - Belt Railway of Chicago (West Yard)
19 - 160.395 - CSX - Yard (Barr-Westbound)
20 - 160.410 - UP - Road (Villa Grove Subdivision)
22 - 160.440 - Metra - Road (Southwest Subdistrict)
25 - 160.485 - Indiana Harbor Belt - Dispatcher-East
26 - 160.500 - Belt Railway of Chicago - Dispatcher-South
28 - 160.530 - CN - Road (Elsdon Subdivision & South Bend Subdivision)
31 - 160.575 - UP - Yard (Global One/Proviso Tower)
32 - 160.590 - CN - Road (Elsdon Subdivision / South Bend Subdivision)
35 - 160.635 - Belt Railway of Chicago - Dispatcher-North
35 - 160.635 - Chicago Rail Link - Yard / Transfer
35 - 160.635 - CSX - Dispatcher-AW (Grand Rapids)
36 - 160.650 - BNSF - Road (Chillicothe Subdivision)
41 - 161.725 - Elgin Joliet & Eastern - Yard (Gary Mill & Joliet Yard)
42 - 160.740 - Amtrak - Yard
43 - 160.755 - CN - Road (Freeport Subdivision)
44 - 160.770 - CP Rail - Road (C&M Subdivision / Fox Lake Subdivision)
46 - 160.800 - NS - Road (Chicago Line)
49 - 160.845 - CN - Yard (Gateway Intermodal)
52 - 160.890 - UP - Road (Geneva Subdivision / Rockwell Subdivision)
54 - 160.935 - Wisconsin & Southern - Road
57 - 160.965 - Belt Railway of Chicago - Hump Yardmaster
58 - 160.980 - Indiana Harbor Belt (Dispatcher-West)
59 - 160.995 - BNSF - Yard (Corwith)
60 - 161.010 - NICTD - Road / Mobile
61 - 161.025 - Metra - Road (Electric District)
62 - 161.040 - UP - Road (Kenosha Subdivision / Harvard Subdivision)
64 - 161.070 - NS - Yard (Ashland / Colehour)
65 - 161.085 - Iowa Chicago & Eastern - Road
66 - 161.100 - BNSF - Road (Chicago Subdivision)
69 - 161.145 - UP - Yard (Dolton)
70 - 161.160 - BNSF - Yard (Cicero) Road (Aurora Subdivision)
71 - 161.175 - UP - Yard (Proviso)
72 - 161.190 - CN - Road (Chicago Subdivision)
76 - 161.250 - NS - Road (Chicago District)
77 - 161.265 - Amtrak - Car Department
78 - 161.280 - UP - Road (Joliet Subdivision)
79 - 161.295 - Wisconsin Central - Road
80 - 161.310 - CSX - Yard (Barr-Eastbound)
82 - 161.340 - Metra - Road (Rock Island District)
83 - 161.355 - NICTD - Road / Repeater
84 - 161.370 - CSX - Road (Former L&N / Monon)
85 - 161.385 - BNSF - Road (Mendota Subdivision)
88 - 161.430 - CP Rail - Yard (Bensenville)
89 - 161.445 - Belt Railway of Chicago (East Yard)
91 - 161.475 - Elgin Joliet & Eastern - Road (Western Subdivision)
91 - 161.475 - Manufacturers Junction - Yard
93 - 161.505 - Amtrak - Road (Michigan Line)
94 - 161.520 - CP Rail - Road (Elgin Subdivision)
94 - 161.520 - CSX - Dispatcher-SB (Woodland)
96 - 161.550 - Elgin Joliet & Eastern - Yard / MoW (Gary Mill & Joliet Yard)
97 - 161.565 - Indiana Harbor Belt - Hump Yardmaster (Blue Island)
161.145 - Road Topeka Sub
160.560 - Topeka Yard
160.650 - Topeka Diesel Shop
160.635 - Road Strong City Sub
Union Pacific
160.515 - KS Sub (Soldier Creek CPZ076 - West Yard KC CPZ006)
161.175 - Marysville (Soldier Creek - Marysville)
160.740 - Salina Sub-Sharon Springs (KP Main Menoken Jct. - Salina)
161.550 - Herington Sub (Cotton Rock Topeka - Pratt via Herington)
160.470 - Lost Springs Sub
160.680 - Topeka Yard
160.680 - Salina Yard
Kansas City
Provided by Karl Lee Sollmann
BNSF (Road)
160.560 - Marceline Subdivision (Congo to Ft Madison)
160.650 - Emporia Subdivision East (Holliday to Augusta)
160.695 - Fort Scott Subdivision (30th Street to Henson)
161.100 - Brookfield Subdivision (Kansas City to Maxwell)
161.100 - Fort Scott Subdivision (Kansas City to 30th Street)
161.085 - KC Terminal (Holliday to Congo)
161.145 - Topeka Subdivision (Holliday to Emporia)
161.160 - St Joseph Subdivision (CP 42 to Clarke)
161.190 - Emporia Subdivision West (Augusta to Wellington)
161.340 - Fort Scott Subdivision (Henson to Nichols)
161.385 - Brookfield Subdivision (Maxwell to West Quincy)
161.430 - Operations
BNSF (KC Metro)
160.215 - Argentine Bowl Channel 1
160.275 - 10th Street Yard NKC
160.485 - Auxiliary Road
160.800 - 19th Street Yard (Rosedale Road Switcher) KCMO
160.845 - Turner ATM
160.905 - Diesel Shop
160.935 - Crew Taxi
161.100 - Murray Yard
161.235 - Argentine Bowl Channel 2
161.355 - Murray Yard
161.370 - Argentine Hump
161.385 - Argentine Yard
452.900 - Argentine Yard
159.555 - BNSF Intermodal Operations
160.335 - PBX
161.130 - PBX
Union Pacific (Road)
160.410 - Falls City Subdivision
160.470 - Sedalia Subdivision + St. Joseph Yard
160.515 - Kansas Subdivision
160.680 - KC Metro (East of Broadway)
160.740 - River + St Louis Subdivisions
160.980 - KC Metro (West of Broadway)
161.265 - Coffeyville Subdivision
160.080 - UP Intermodal Operations
Union Pacific (KC Metro)
160.860 - Neff Yard Carman
160.230 - Neff Yard Carman
160.965 - Neff Yard Carman?
160.245 - Neff Yard Diesel Shop
160.635 - M/W Operations
160.830 - Quindaro Yard
161.550 - 18th Street Tower - Armstrong - Armourdale Yard
160.290 - PBX
160.605 - PBX
160.755 - PBX
KCS (Road)
160.260 - DS to Train (simplex)
160.350 - Train to DS (duplex)
161.280 - Gateway Western
KCS (KC Metro)
161.055 63 Knoche Yard
161.860 50 Switchers
160.305 13 Intermodal
160.440 - Road
161.190 - Avondale Yard Switchers
161.445 - Avondale Yard Carman
160.380 - Claycomo Yard
160.785 - PBX
161.115 67 - NS Rear End Devices
Iowa-Missouri Rail Link
160.770 - Road (1st Subdivision)
160.530 - Yard (Reported)
Kansas City Terminal
161.010 - Road
161.500 - M/W
161.310 - Yard
43.04 - Hulcher
43.32 - Hulcher
43.44 - Hulcher
462.050 - Dome Railway Services (St. Louis)
462.150 - Dome Railway Services (St. Louis)
464.175 - Dome Railway Services (St. Louis)
454.000 - Oil Mop (Spill Response)
151.625 - RJ Corman - Derailment Division
160.635 - Missouri & Northern Arkansas
161.250 - Green Hills Rural Development (ex-Wabash and Grand River)
161.055 - Midland Railway - ROAD
160.400 - Midland Railway - M/W and Talkaround
???.??? - Kansas City & Belton Railway
151.625 - LORAM Rail Grinder (Handheld Radios)
151.625 - RBBB Circus Train
461.1500 - Bartlett and Company (Grain Elevator)
Provided by Erik of the Railroads of Cincinnati site.
160.230 - Road (Terminal, Toledo Sub, Indiana Sub, Indianapolis Sub, Cincinnati Sub, and Midland Sub)
161.100 - CK Dispatcher, controls the terminal.
161.370 - Yard - "L&N" or "Seaboard" Channel / Road (CC Sub and LCL Sub)
161.520 - Dispatcher for Cincinnati sub and LCL sub.
160.590 - Dispatcher for CC sub.
160.320 - Dispatcher for Indiana sub, Midland sub, and Indianapolis sub.
160.290 - Dispatcher for Toledo sub north of Hamilton.
161.340 - Queensgate Yard car department, air brake tests performed here.
160.530 - Queensgate Yard (a.k.a. Ch. 3)
161.550 - Yard - (Y129 while on old CH&D / Y222 on Cincinnati Industrial Track)
161.160 - Crew vans & switching.
160.785 - MofW
160.770 - Queensgate Hump
161.280 - Yard
160.605 - Yard / Switching.
160.635 - Trim Yard switching.
160.695 - Trim Yard switching.
160.395 - PBX (Input)
161.265 - PBX (Receive)
Norlfolk Southern
160.950 - Primary road channel for 1st District CNO&TP and Gest Street Yard.
160.245 - Ch. 2, used by dispatcher to pass track warrants, etc.
160.440 - Road Channel for Lake Division (New Castle Dist. & Cincinnati Dist.)
160.980 - Primary road channel for Cincinnati Line. (ex-Conrail)
161.250 - Gest Street Yard switching.
161.190 - Intermodal Yard switching.
161.070 - Sharon & Moraine Yard switching.
161.205 - Police
161.115 - End of train devices. (NS only)
Indiana & Ohio
161.385 - Primary road frequency for McCullough Yard, Oasis Sub, Blue Ash Sub, Mason Sub, and Brookville Sub.
160.545 - Primary road frequency for CIND sub.
161.295 - Switching
161.415 - Switching at Valley Jct.
Great Miami
160.905 - Primary channel.
Proctor & Gamble
457.5625 - Intra-plant switching.
Newport Steel
156.500 - Intra-plant switching.
A&K Steel
153.290 - Intra-plant switching.
855.6375 - Intra-plant switching.
810.6375 - Intra-plant switching.
Provided by Rob from the Cleveland Rails Website
Norfolk Southern Railroad
161.070 - Cleveland Line
161.205 - NS Police
160.560 - NS Police
161.190 - Occasional use in E. 55th St. Yard for switching.
160.350 - Occasional use in Rockport Yard for switching.
161.565 - Occasional use in Rockport Yard for switching.
160.230 - Newcastle Subdivision (through Akron) Road Channel 1.
160.320 - Newcastle Subdivision Dispatcher
160.995 - Cleveland Terminal Dispatcher's Channel (CP 13 (Berea) to Eastlake Detector) as of 0700, 4/25/01.
Wheeling & Lake Erie
Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad
Cuyahoga Valley Railroad
River Terminal Railroad
Flats Industrial Railroad
Regional Transit Authority
Salt Lake City
Provided by Nathan from the DRGW.net Site
Union Pacific
160.455 - Helper to Roper (Provo Sub)
161.490 - Roper Yard (Provo Sub)
160.515 - Evanston, WY, to Ogden, UT (Evanston Sub)
160.350 - Yardmaster, Ogden (Evanston Sub)
160.515 - Odgen to SLC (Salt Lake Sub)
160.680 - North Yard Yardmaster (SLC) (Salt Lake Sub)
160.485 - McCammon, ID, to Ogden, UT (Ogden Sub)
Seattle & Surrounding Area
Provided by Kerwin... His site is at: http://www.cyberspace.org/~snowolf/
161.100 - Road "Seattle East" (Golden Gardens - Everett, Everett - Spokane)
161.250 - Road "North Branch" (Everett - Vancouver BC, Auburn - Pasco)
161.430 - Road "North Branch" (Stampede Tunnel Radio)
161.160 - Road "Seattle Terminal" (Golden Gardens - Tukwila)
161.415 - Road "Centralia North" (Nisqually - Tukwila, Renton - Maltby)
161.100 - Road "Centralia South" (Nisqually - N. Vancouver Jct.)
161.250 - Road "Vancouver Terminal" (Washougal - N. Van. Jct. - Portland)
161.415 - Road "Wishram West" (Wishram - Washougal)
161.010 - Yard Stacy, Delta, West Seattle Drawbridge (Various Locations)
161.250 - Yard (Various Locations)
160.830 - Stacy St. Yard (Seattle)
160.320 - Yard Bayside Yard (Everett)
160.650 - Yard?
160.380 - ?
160.845 - ?
160.470 - Yard?
160.935 - ?
160.980 - Yard?
161.040 - ?
161.220 - Communications Department "Lander St."
161.310 - Yard Balmer and Auburn
161.460 - ?
161.490 - ?
161.550 - Yard ?
160.260 - PBX Green Mt.(Kitsap); Bellingham.
160.620 - PBX Tiger Mt.; Stevenson; Roosevelt.
160.665 - PBX Tenino; Wishram; Martin.
161.130 - PBX Skykomish; Chehalis; Lester.
160.995 - PBX Palmer.
160.590 - PBX?
161.370 - Interbay Locomotive Service and Tacoma Fueling facilities.
161.205 - Police "Special Agents" (Seattle agents also 160.260)
160.920 - Maintenance of Way (Also used in some yards.)
160.710 - Data (ARES)
Union Pacific
160.515 - Road (Western Washington) "UP Seattle Sub Dispatcher"
160.740 - Road (Eastern Washington)
160.215 - PBX Eastern Wa. (Joe Butte)
(See BNSF listings for road channels)
160.455 - King Street Coach Yard
160.785 - King Street Coach Yard
160.410 - On Board Services on Coast Starlight
160.440 - On Board Services on Coast Starlight
160.455 - On Board Services on Coast Starlight
Tacoma Rail
161.070 - Road Tidelands Division (Former Municipal Beltline)
161.145 - Tidelands Division (Former Municipal Beltline)
161.295 - Tidelands Division (Former Municipal Beltline)
160.245 - Road Ch 1. Mountain Division (Former Tacoma Eastern)
160.995 - Yard Ch 2. Mountain Division (Former Tacoma Eastern)
Mount Rainier Scenic Railroad
160.635 - Various
161.385 - Various
Coast Engine and Equipment Co.
160.785 - Various
Columbia & Cowlitz Railway Co.
161.115 - Various
161.385 - Various
Puget Sound Railway Historical Society
161.355 - Various
161.385 - Various
Puget Sound & Pacific Railroad
161.475 - Various
161.460 - Various
Mount Vernon Terminal
Ballard Terminal Railroad Co.
No known radio... Possibly use cell phones.
Western Area
Provided by Dave Voss & Ray Peacock
Union Pacific
160.890 - Road (Most of Wisconsin)
161.040 - Road (Most of Minnesota. Former CNW Spine Line.
160.485 - Road (New Line Sub)
160.455 - MofW (Wisconsin & Minnesota)
161.175 - Yard (Wisconsin & Minnesota)
160.245 - PBX
161.235 - PBX
Wisconsin Central (CN/IC)
160.785 - Road (Fond du Lac - North)
160.260 - Yard
161.295 - Road (Fond du Lac to Chicago)
160.335 - Road (Whitehall Sub)
161.100 - Road (La Crosse to Savanna, IL)
160.695 - Road (LaCrosse to St. Croix.)
161.160 - Road (C&I to Aurora)
161.415 - Road (Peavine to Galesburg)
160.620 - Nelson MRAS #4 (PBX Nelson Wisconsin)
160.605 - Wisconsin Section Crews
160.425 - La Crosse MRAS #8 (PBX La Crosse)
161.130 - Northtown MRAS #5 (PBX Northtown Yard-Minneapolis MN)
Canadian Pacific
161.370 - Road (Minneapolis Area)
161.520 - Road (La Crosse to Milwaukee)
161.085 - Road (Glenwood to Superior)
160.770 - Road (Hopkins to La Crosse & Milwaukee to Chicago)
Wisconsin Southern
160.575 - Road
161.145 - Yard
161.085 - Road (Beloit/Janesville Area)