Radio, Railroad, Aircraft & Various Site Links

Radio Related Dozens of live audio streams broadcasting railroad radio, from the US and Canada.
JEM Offering the JEM "Clean Cab" style railroad radio.
Black Cat Systems is one of the very few (if not only) companies to offer radio related software for Macintosh users. One of the numerous Mac radio applications they offer is MultiMode, which can decode ACARS, and numerous other modes on the Mac. If you're a fellow red-headed stepchild of the computing world (a Mac user), than this is the site to check out.
Radio Reference By far, the largest scanner and radio communications related site on the web.
Mobile Scanner & RADAR-Detector Laws In the US A very good site explaining the scanner and radar detector laws, in each sate..
NTIA - US Frequency Allocation Chart This is a place where you can download a cool PDF frequency allocation chart that shows where all the bands are in the frequency spectrum.
The National Lightning Safety Council This site should really be viewed by anyone installing an outdoor antenna. Lightning strike is a real and serious threat, and efforts should be made to make your outdoor antenna as safe as possible.
Uniden Online Makers of the Bearcat scanner line of radios.
Technomadic & Gonzo Engineering The Blog of Steven Roberts
The CommsPrepper YouTube Channel Covering GMRS and other amateur radio subjects.
NOAA Weather A site built by Mark Herson, which has a wealth of NOAA transmitter info.
Train Identification
Motive Power Rosters Probably the best all-in-one site for locomotive rosters. It covers all the big roads, and most of the short lines. Heard a loco number on the radio you want to check out? This is probably the place to do it.
Unofficial EMD Homepage Info on builder numbers and unit orders for EMD locomotives.
Altamont Press Time Tables This in my opinion, is one of the best publications for railroad information. Unfortunately, they only publish timetables for the western states for now. But they do have downloadable files that list train symbols, rosters, and other info for BNSF, UP and Amtrak.
Railroad Photo & Fan Sites A very nice site that has tons of info for what's happening in the Alabama area.
BNSF Photo Archive
George Elwood's Site George has amassed photos for just about every railroad you can think of.
Metrolink Photo Archive
Military Rails Online The #1 place for military train photos.
Tank Car Homepage Everything you want to know about tank cars.
The Unofficial Wisconsin Central Site
Unofficial Iowa Interstate Photo Archive
Conrail Cyclopedia
CSX Photo Archives
Norfolk Southern Photo Archive
Espee Modelers Home Page Many photos of SP units.
The Rosenberg Railroad Museum of Rosenberg, TX - They have a nice ATCS setup inside their preserved 'Tower 17'.
Various Rail Sites
New York City Subway Resources Maybe you monitor the New York subway system's radio. It is a train after all. Here's a big site with all kinds of NY Subway info.
Aircraft Related - Offers both a plane tracking and ship tracking network. ADS-B network, and also their Ship Finder Marine AIS network. A number of receivers in the PlaneFinder and ShipFinder network, utilize DPD Productions ADS-B and Marine AIS antennas.
ADS-B Exchange - Covers both Civilian and Military ADS tracking.
AirFrames - A shop that sells various aviation comm related items, including filters for ADS reception. - Listen to live ATC voice communication streams from all around the world. Huge public photo archive of every type of aircraft there is.
Air Force Link The Official US Air Force site. Includes photo gallery.
Navy News Stand The official US Navy news site. Includes a large photo gallery.
Scramble A Dutch magazine with extensive information online... Including orbats for most country's air forces, show reports, and lots of other helpful stuff. A site dedicated to ADS activity around the Sydney Australia area.
AirNav Systems Offering the excellent 'RadarBox' ADS-B receiver and software, for virtual radar aircraft tracking.
Other 'Made in USA' Businesses
Bold Lead Designs Makers of very nice custom dog leashes and accessories.